
Mar 15, 2010

Global Food Quandary

A group of exports chair by former U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan, warned: "unless some way can be found to halt and reverse the current trend in food prices, there will be a significant increase in hunger, malnutrition, and in infant and child mortality." Although, the recent prices of commodities were stable temporarily, but is it only a tactical ploy or a sign of the problem free?

Facing up to the crisis, the prices were not really constant, and the problems haven't been solved yet. In my view of this problem, I think it associate with four episodes, all occurring on the same time and including three reasons mentioned by Advanced, are interconnection pieces of what's emerged as one of the biggest challenges facing the planet: how to feed humanity in this age of skyrocketing food and energy requirement and prices. One of the root cause I think is global warm implying the volatile weather changing. The other three root causes range from rising consumption in Asia to growing biofuel and Europe to dwindling the supplies of water in the Middle-East, Advanced said.

Two of the four, global warm and biofuel, are caused by energy need and use, and the other two are caused by unbalancing resource supplies. How come? The hole world is running now to keep up with demand, but some affairs came out interrupting the supplies. By the statistics studied that, already, some 800 million people around the world suffered from chronic food shortages, and millions more could go hungry because of the widening food crisis.

Consequently, it means we need to build much more machines to accelerate the quantity of crop and reduce the air pollution for controlling the temperature of our earth such whole produce system work effectively.

Much specifically consider about the disaster of Africa. This wave affected the poor country more because of transition. If the country is enough rich to build the transport system, it might decrease the transport cost in whole process of trade. As the result, the country in Africa is poor in general, so they will affect more significantly.

To across the disaster I think it have to find out some "balance". The balance is between the supplies and demand. Unfortunately, the choices is ambiguous and dire, but I think human have such wisdom to handle it safely.

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