
Mar 22, 2010

The conflict of values

From the contention of execution, our aspect allways concentrated on some points. First, does the execution make sence or not? Second, is it proper to sentence one guy a such series punishment? Third, will the crime rate rais while we cancel the death sentence? This three questions is not so easy to answer.  But, even though we assume that we may seclude the homicide from society, controling crime rate, properly punishing prisoner and take care of vitim and victim's family, there are a lot of people thinking the execution needs to involve in law anyway. That is why we argue with the issue intensely.

Lest time, I discussed this issue with Mr. Zhang, a philosophy professor, and he said he think this question is very complicate. He though the basic reason is because of the different values, the values that you belive about what is right, what is worng and what is important in life. Some people think eyes for eyes and teeth for teeth are the valueable thinks between human, and some people think the forgiveness is the treasure in life.  The conflict comes from this contradiction.

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