ad+apt=to + apt(suitable)
v.adjust;change something in order to make it suitable for some use or situation
Example: I don't see any sense in some adages.
n. a section of extra information that is added to something, especially to a book
synonym: appendix
Example: I plan to add an addendum to my new book.
addict( to~)-addiction-addictive
ad+dic+t= to + say
n. the person who is addicted to an activity, habit or substance.
v. to cause a physiologically or psychologically dependent on an addictive substance.
v. to habituate or abandon oneself to something compulsively or obsessively.
Example: He is addicted to gambling.
v. to make or became confuse 困惑
v. to make or became rotten as eggs 腐臭
Example: His incoherent speech addled the audience.
in+coherent = in+co+her+ent = un+together+to stick
the coherent means
1. adj stick together(cohering)
2. adj an idea, thoughts, argument, etc is logically and well organized as easy to understand and clear
the incoherent means
1. adj. of person is unable to express clearly, often because of emotion.
2. adj. not logical and well organized
3. adj. of sound is not clear and hard to understand
ad+duce=to+lead=leading to; bring to
v. a evidence, reason, fact, etc in order to explain something or show something true
Example: He adduced a reference without verification.
adept - adeptness
ad+ept(grasp, attain)
1. adj.(a'dept) someone who is adept at something can do it skilfully.
2. n('adept) a skilled or proficient person; expert.
ps. adapt 適應 adept 熟練的 adopt (ad+opt(choose)) 採用、採納
Example: She is adept at persuading people.
adhere(to sth)
ad+here=to stick
1. v. stick
Example: I will adhere to my principle.
adjudicate=adjudge+ate=ad+judge+ate = ad(to)+ jus(right;law)+dge(to say)+ate(v.)
1. v. to pronounce or decree a judicial sentence;decide a law suit
2. v. to sit a judgment upon~
Example: Their law suit has not been adjudicated.
adjunct - adjunction - adjunctive
ad+junct(join) = join to
1. something add to another thing but not essential to it; unnecessary addition
2. a person associate with lesser status, rank, authority, etc in some duty or serve. (assistant)
3. a person working in an institution, as a collage or university without having full permanent status(means it is a temporary job).
synonym: accessory
Example: Her regards the pamphlet as an adjunct to the dictionary.
adjure - adjuration - adjuratory
v. ask earnestly.
ps. abjuratory (swear away) = swear not to do something or give up publicly
Example: He adjured her to forgive his rudeness.
ad+ju+t+ant= to help+people
n. an assistant, especially in military.
Example: Major Smith is an adjutant to the general.
1. v. to tell somebody firmly that you do not approve of something that they have done.
2. v. advise strongly
Example: He admonished his son not to repeat his mistakes.
adorn - adornment
ad+orn=to (dress; prepare)
v. decorate; embellish
Example: Paintings and flowers adorn my hotel room.
adroit - adroitness -adroitly
v. skillful and clever, especially in dealing with people.
Example: The police's adroit handling of the crisis was highly praised.
adulate - adulation - adulate -adulator
Example: She is used being adulated by her fans.
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