Very Funny History
1550s, a blend of M.E. aknow (from O.E. oncnawan "understand," fromon + cnawan "recognize;" see know) and M.E. verb knowlechen "admit." Somehow, in the merger, a parasitic -c- slipped in, so that, while thekn- became a simple "n" sound (as in know), the -c- stepped up to preserve, in this word, the ancient "kn-" sound.
v. This verb mean to admit the reality or trust of something , often reluctantly.
- admit = reluctance to acknowledge "one's actor or another's view"
- own = stress personal acceptance and responsibility.
- confess = emphasize "disclosure" of something "damaging or inconvenient to oneself"
- concede = intellectually accept something, often against someone's will
- avow = assert openly and boldly
- recongnize
Example: She acknowledged that she didn't have a MBA degree.
n. highest point, peak, top; pinnacle;summit
Example: As a chemist he reached his acme when he won the Nobel prize.
字根補充 mit=sent
submit = under;belong+sent = sent by the lower one.
admit = to sent = recognize
commit = togeter+sent = guilt or (other means)
immit this is a died word which means inject
demit = sent away = resign; give up.
a(to)-cou(hear)-s-tic(pertaining to;about)=about to hear
adj. related to sound or sense of hearing.
Example: There are the best acoustic equipment we have
acquiesce( in+sth)
ac+quiesce(quite;rest) = to become quite= be satisfied with
v. to accept or agree without arguing, even if you don't really agree it.
Example: He finally acquiesced to his wife's request.
ac+quis+ition = to seek to gain(obtain)
1. n. the act of getting something
2. n. the thing you buy to add to what you already have, especially valuable.
3. n. a valuable thing like land, a company etc, bought by somebody, especially another company; the act of buying it
Example: His acquisition of the antique delighted him greatly.
字根介紹 ques(quis)= to ask; to gain; to seek.
- question = ask
- request = ask again and again
- inquest = an+quest = legal or judicial inquiry
- inquire = into seeking; into seeking
ac+quit+tal = related to free or clean
n. a official decision in a court of law to announce a person is quilt free.
Example: Her acquittal was not unexpected.
字根介紹 quit=free, clean
adj. bitter "smell" or "taste"
Example: This medicine has an acrid flavor.
acrimony - acrimonious - acrimoniously
acri+mony(action; state; condition)
n. angry bitter "word" or "feeling"
Example: Don't talk to small children with acrimony.
acro(at the end, the top)+phobia(the persistent, irrational fear of special object, activity or situation that leads to compelling "desire" to avoid it)
n. fear high irrationally.
Example: She won't stay one the 10th floor because of her acrophobia.
actu(act)+ate(v. a verb could be formed)
v. If a person is actuate by an emotion, the emotion makes the person act in a certain way.(激勵) If something actuate a device, the device start to work.(開機)
Example: A sense of achievement actuated him to go to college
n. the ability to think, see or hear clearly
Example: Due to the age his acuity has been flagging.
n. the ability to understand and judge thing quickly and clearly.
Example: His acumen and stamina helped him succeed.
n. proverb
Example: I don't see any sense in some adages.
from earlier noun
adj. if someone is adamant about something, they are determined not to change their mind.
Example: My faith in him remains adamant.
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