拆字法則:ab(away)+lu(wash; about liquid)+tion
n. a clean with water or other liquid, especially as a religious ritual.
n. a washing of the hands, body, etc.
Example: He has his daily ablution in the morning.
v. deny, reject or give up something
ps: negate v.取消、否認 renege v.背信、違約
Example: She abnegated that she had said that
拆字法則:ab(away)+omin(omen)+able(able;tending to這邊用這個解釋比較好)
adj. extremely unpleasant and causing disgust. 極其可惡的、非常討厭的
Example: The abominable noise interrupted my lecture.
拆字法則:ab(away)+origin(beginning, source)+al(condition)
adj. first; earliest; native 原始的
none. one of the original or earliest known inhabitant of a country or region. 原住民
Example: They've found some tools used by the aboriginal (people).
拆字法則:ab(away)+or(come into being)+t(pronunciation)+ive(tend to)
adj. unsuccessful; failed
Example: Their endeavors proved abortive.
拆字法則:en(put in)+deavors(duty)
v. try hard
n. effort
拆字法則:ab+ra(scrape)+s(pronunciation)+ive(tending to)
1.adj. an abrasive substance is rough and can be used to clean a suffer of to make it smooth. 打磨的、有打磨作用的
2.adj. a person or their manner rube and unkind; action in a way that may hurt other people's feeling.
Example: We need something abrasive, like sandpaper.
拆字法則:a(to)+bridge(from brev=short)
v. shorten; reduce, usually be used for book, article, etc.
Example: You can read the abridged edition of the nobel.
拆字法則:ab(away)+rogt(ask or beg;pray)+ate(verb)
v. to officially end a law, an agreement, etc.
Example: The ordinance has been abrogated by the city council.
拆字法則:ab(away)+s(p.)+con(with; together)+d(put; place; make)
v.leave to escape law or debt. 逃亡
Example: The store manager absconded with $10,000.
拆字法則:ab(away)+solve(to loosen 這是古文原始意思)
v. free from guilty formally.
Example: Although he was stated guiltless, his sins were not absolved.
拆字法則:ab(away)+s(p.)+tain(hold; keep)
1. v. to decide not to do something, especially you like or enjoy, because it is bad for your health or considered morally wrong. (~ from sth) 戒除
2. v. If you abstain during a vote, you do not use your vote.
Example: He decided to abstain from drinking.
拆字法則:ab(awat)+s(p.)+tem(intoxicating drink)+i(p.)+ous(adj 有fall of的意思)
adj. not allowing yourself to have much food or alcohol, or to do something enjoyable. 有節制的(對於食物、酒或享樂的事物)
Example: Abstemious exercise is a wholesome habit.
拆字法則:ab(away)+s(p.)+tin(tain)+ence(act) 這是從abstain衍生過來的字
n. 可以看成abstain的名詞型態
Example: Total abstinence from fat is not necessarily good.
adj. difficult to understand
synonyms: profound, recondite, obscure
Example: His book is too abstruse for the students.
v. of land or building to be next to something or to have one side to touching the side of something. 鄰接
synonyms: adjoint, border
Example: You should build a wall where your yard abut on your neighbor's.
拆字法則:an(not, without or lacking)+bysm(bottom of the sea)+al(condition)
adj. extremely bad or of a very low standard; very very very bed
adj. very deep; bottomless
Example: Herabysmal conceit is shocking.
拆字法則: ac(ad=to)+cede(go or yield)
v. to agree to a request, proposal, etc
v. become a king or queen.
Example: He vowed that he will never accede to her demand.
v. let a vehicle or person to start to go faster
v. make something happen faster or earlier than expected
Example: I accelerate when I drive on a freeway.
寫這麼多,我發現ab-這個開頭字根非常有趣。就是如果把他想成遠離後面接的負面字根通常都會解的非常不順。所以我就嘗試把他解釋成跟burn away這樣的解釋方法,就是用來加強語氣。發現這樣比較好解的通。如果後面的字根是比較正面的詞語,那再把他解成遠離。
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