
Nov 15, 2009

My feeling about 2012

  We went seeing this movie at the released day. A disaster film always is my love. But, as you know, Hollywood has brought out some unsuccessful movies. Whatever, I went to the theater and saw it.

  Comparing with the movies seen in the theaters. This movie was full of power, imagine and creativity. This was a powerful movie. When you were seeing, you could feel the power that devastates our earth. You could feel the devastative power of volcanic eruption. Also, you could see something more emotion like the family's love, the people fight for the living right. After the movie, you might think something philosophy. A movie which is full of effects animation may not be said a good movie. But, if it accompanies a good story, you might say perfect. 2012 is the kind of this movie.

  I have no answer about those questions in movie. But, I introduce you to see 2012. This is no about the commercial. This is for a good movie in particular in a good theater.

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