
Aug 9, 2009

How to drive your sound?

I have try so much time to try to drive my sound ware on Compaq CQ40.
But, you know the sound drive is so hard and uncomfortable. And, the following way is my experience and hope to make you have a short cut.
1. You must to be make sure your card specs, and all you have to do is to type
lspci | grep Audio
at your terminal.
2. If you want to know what kind of snd_model on you have model on, you can type
lsmod | grep snd
3. To get the other information you may be need, you also can type
"lshw -c multimedia"
"aplay -l"
"cat /proc/asound/cards"
"cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec"
Although, there are many ways to help you get your computer's information, but I feel the best way is to use which is a really powerful shell script.

4. How to google? Keyword is your sound card name. But, the important is to add your OS-name. In spite of this, the net-note and material always can not help you, but confuse you. Even worse is those method that will lead you into a wrong area like removing soft lead to affect other function which is normal at begin. More worse, it will lead you to reignite your OS. Therefore, when you follow the web's advice please thinks it again. Does it make sense?

5.My experience tell me, we did not need to install or remove any program or software. All we have to do is to correct the text
First, to make sure what your card "codec" is. You can type
cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec
And then, you need to search the Codec name in the text
Note that there are many kind of Codec perhaps. So, pleas try much times.

6. Finally, You maybe can find your codec, maybe not. If it really find, you need to add
options model=????? (????? is the value listed in ALSA-Configuration.tet)
at the end of /etc/modprbe.d/alsa-base(.conf). And then, reboot. Hope you enjoy your music life.

To put on your sound drive is always luck and god-given if you are success. Because there are too much variable to affect your sound drive, soft, options and support-or-not are included. Having a saying that new thing is not necessarily a good thing.

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